Sunday, December 18, 2011

candice's last two letters from ian

Haha glad you are counting down the months1 that is an´exclamation point by the way, some of the keys arent apostrophes...Glad you liked the recordings. Im sending some more from my activities from today. Mom said the same thing, that i sound like dad and take a long time to tell stories....well these recording are no different :¿ smiley. THat doesnt sound like a bad idea, going to utah state. it would be better than byu for something like natural resources. I miss utah a lot surprisingly. oh, it was so funny, we had like a stake talent show for the young men and women. then at the end, brother moya who was in charge of the technology aspect of it all, he-s the one with the mac computers and stuff i told you about, played some music, but it was the most random collection of renditions of english songs. simon and garfunkel, hotel california, queen,... classics, but so funny. I bought 2 liters of that polaca cake batter drink today. so good. and humitas two days ago. bombin. oh, so in the photos i sent mom, there is a picture of me pointing at someone, that is president Correa, the president of ecuador, he came out and spoke to the folks today in teh plaza grande and had alll his guards and such doin all sorts of goofy looking marches, but i think are supposed to be really serious. I was laughing pretty hard, but no one else was...oops..Do you have any more simple questions like the ones last week? Those were easy to respond to. So scary about Giovanny when he got drugged, huh? I hope you have a good week with work and everything.
your brother.

Way to go on the yogs! We wake up at 5:45 or so and get some exercise in the morning sun. One of my leaders cam over spent the night and said I should get a yoga mat for sun salutations. hahahah send some pics o yur new hur doo. my new companion is great. he is from arizona, one of the 2 gringos in a group of 15 new missionaries, I lucked out! there are 3 other missionaries from my group that are training newbies too. SO fun though, but it is really different to be the one in charge of everything, trying to make the best decisions in everything. I gave a talk on sunday and everyone said it was really good and they loved it. and that they understood me, so that is good news. NO, I haven't gotten really sick, there are these one fruits called uvillas that are like cherry tomatoes and grapes mixed, but they're the quickest laxative I've ever had. diarrhea within the hour! Me and Elder Comsa are getting along great, it's nice to have someone to speak english with, but I feel bad because his spanish is limping along. but he works hard at it.

Love you tons

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