Thursday, March 29, 2012

February 13, 2012


So today was the 7 month mark, and we went to a waterfall. really cool. Looking at the pictures, it probably looks like hot south american jungle, but it is really mild, like home. with eucalyptus trees and low shrubs. the water was rather warm too. so beautiful.

To Candice:

hehe clothes, food, school, babies, sicknesses...sounds like your life is just about the same as always except for EUROPE! so cool! i want to go to iceland sooo bad. that was my pick for the mission....but there are places here that are just as cold and that are just what I imagined iceland like...tons of grass and volcanic black rock with a lake or two. We met two folks from france today at a market in otavalo. I asked what was better for them, english or spanish. English. they lived in australia for 12 years. I asked what he likes to do. Digging. haha sweet man, me too! For gems; like rubies and saphires. Awesome! That was why he lived in Australia. We also went to a waterfall today. I'll send pictures of that.
The cheese family isn't home much, so that is going nowhere fast. But we found another family, Sahona, and the son (8) is a champion Michael Jackson dancer. He is incredible! All over the place with his music-video-obtained moves, truly magic. I have gained a new respect for Michael Jackson.
Yes, being District leader is still hard for me, I just feel like all the other missionaries have so much more to offer than I do, and I just want to learn from them, not the other way around...oh well.

I'll never find someone like you,
Elder Blackwelder

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